As part of Boots' largest Summer campaign ever, the Pharm designed the summer campaign across DOOH, social media, TVC, print and many more channels.
Delivered 172,400,586 impressions so far across our entire summer campaign!
Brand linkage was 77% vs 67% benchmark and our purchase intent was at 42% vs the 38% benchmark. *Mesh
20 heat and pollen contextually reactive print ads have reached 11,198,000.
YT Audio ads are performing well with 5.6% and 7.8% above the benchmark respectively across holiday and festival creative
Captify performance is incredible with holiday and skin inter-scroller coming in at 602% above benchmark and skin and beauty inter-scroller at 632% above benchmark.
Aligned with cultural moments this summer in OOH at Wembley Boxpark with Capital Summertime Ball and Taylor Swift Eras Tour.

Taylor Swift at Wembley activation. Using lyrics from her songs, we designed a out of home campaign around Taylor Swift's residency at Wembley stadium.

As part of a Snapchat concept, we designed a longer form skippable after 6-second ad.

Boots partnered with Paramount for their new film Despicable Me 4 to integrate the film with their Soltan brand of sunscreen products.

We had the opportunity on our OK! magazine double-page spread to do something more interesting since we had the cover wrap. The client's brief was to show the range of products under £2 so I designed the DPS to really show the amount of products almost floating off the page.

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